Published October 14. 2009 05:00PM
Parryville Council's solicitor Michael Greek filed two civil complaints for unpaid garbage bills on behalf of the borough. One property owner has paid the balance before the court date but the other one did not enter a defense and a default judgment was awarded to the borough. After the 30-day appeal time frame has lapsed, the borough will proceed with the next level of legal action, either by placing a lien on the property or using a constable to levy personal property.
Att. Greek has also reviewed the change to the parking ordinance that council president Mike Grant proposed. The ordinance will be adopted at the next meeting to be held at 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6.Att. Greek will also provide information to council on the Local Service Tax. This is a tax that replaces the $10 occupational privilege tax with a $52 tax and is levied on people who work in the borough. By law, 25 percent of this tax must be used for public safety (fire or police protection).Att. Greek will also gather information for council on adopting a cable franchise fee. The fees are optional ways to raise revenue in the future for the borough without raising taxes.Att. Greek also mentioned that the zoning code needs to be updated. He said that Duane Dellecker volunteered his time to assist the planning commission with this project.One seat remains open on the Parryville Planning Commission. Anyone interested should contact a council member for more information.Brubaker announced that the preliminary budget for 2010 does not include a tax increase or an increase in garbage collection rates.