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Jim Thorpe news

Generous hearts

for warm childrenSt. John's Lutheran Church, South Ave., will conduct a children's winter coat collection and giveaway. Members will begin collecting clean, gently used or new infants through teen (all sizes) winter coats. The collection dates will be as follows: Oct. 24, and 31; Nov. 7 and 14, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. If anyone would like to donate but cannot make those dates for drop-off, they may call Bonnie Hoffman, (570) 554-3528 and arrangements will be made. The give-away dates are Saturday, Nov. 21 and Saturday, Nov. 28, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.At the conclusion of the giveaway dates, any remaining winter wear will be distributed to the various food pantries to aide families in need.Open houseThe Jim Thorpe Borough Council is planning an open house for the new borough building on Saturday, Oct. 17. The new building is located at 101 East 10th St. It will take place from 10 a.m. to noon.