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Paranormal society finds happy medium with local artist

In April of this year, co-Founder of The Blue Mountain Paranormal Society Bob Schaeffer received a phone call that made him skeptical. "I never gave much weight to the term psychic or medium. I'm more of a hands on technical guy..." Schaeffer stated in a recent interview on Penn's Peak radio. "But she freaks me out."

Local artist Michelle Gallagher didn't' know what to expect joining BMPS. She drove to her first investigation hoping that it would be much more than what she saw on TV shows like TAPS. "I knew that there would be gadgets with lights and we'd be in the dark for the most part, but I when I got to the location, I just didn't want to use them."It was immediately obvious that Michelle had a natural instinct for picking up on things unseen minus the use of BMPS technology. Sitting with the rest of the team on location of her initial investigation, waiting to hear how responsibility would be divided among the group, Michelle announced the name of a man she clamed was standing on the stairway no one else could see. Evidence of the named deceased was only confirmed after researching the locations previous owners and history. This new phenomenon would continue to repeat itself throughout the night and on future investigations."Our technology records things that Michelle seems to hear on her own." Schaeffer reports. "I took her to a location that BMPS had recently been hired to investigate for a walk through and she reiterated almost verbatim things that BMPS had previously recorded on premise"Michelle writes about her part in the investigations with BMPS and beyond to help her flesh out so to speak her unique experience. While she doesn't claim to be a psychic or an expert on the subject of paranormal activity she does however admit to believing. "I had to know that what I was going through in regards to the world we can not see - wasn't just all in my head. Being a part of BMPS has given me the opportunity to do so and I am grateful."The Blue Mountain Paranormal Society not only welcomes Michelle as a new member but also encourages anyone in the area to witness and experience a BMPS paranormal investigation. "We believe so strongly in our work and what we have found that we are opening the doors into our world by hosting our first public investigation." Schaeffer told 'The Doctor' during their interview last week. Throughout the month of October even local skeptics are invited to participate as guest investigators at the place Michelle describes as "Some kind of portal"- the former Broney's Hotel in Mahoning Valley. "There is so much activity, so many spirits there that it is mind blowing." She notes. Details of the Blue Mountain Paranormal Society public investigation as well as information on how to contact them if you have "things that go BMPS in the night" can be found on the teams official website;

www.BlueMountainParanormal.com"Everyone is born with the ability to be in tune with things they can not see and sometimes seeing does not always make a one believer - experiencing does. Michelle writes.