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Three vehicle crash in Schuylkill

State police at Schuylkill Haven reported investigating a three vehicle crash about 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday along SR443 (Main St.), at the intersection with Manheim Road, in North Manheim Township. Troopers said the scene is next to a McDonald's Restaurant.

According to troopers Maria G. Mercuri, 19, of Pottsville, was westbound on Manheim Road operating a 1995 Ford Escort and stopped for a stop sign. Scott J. Riegel, 37, of Schuylkill Haven, driving a 2001 Ford F-150 pickup truck, was southbound on 443 while Brenna K. Sheipe, 29, of Auburn, driving a 2004 Mercury Mountaineer, was northbound on 443.Troopers said Mercuri attempted to make a left turn onto 443 and struck the left side of Riegel's truck. After impact Mercuri's vehicle traveled southwest and struck Sheipe's Mercury on the driver's side.Troopers said Mercuri, Riegel, Sheipe and a two-year-old juvenile in a child safety seat with her, were all not injured.The Escort had to be towed from the scene while the other two vehicles sustained minor damages.