Palmerton Library to host third annual Quilt Show
When Terri Scheckler organizes the Quilt Show to benefit the Palmerton Area Library, she invites people to share their quilts and put them on display. Sheckler, a quilter herself, has learned there's always a story inside all those hand stitches.
This Sunday, Oct. 11, visitors to the Palmerton Library's third annual Quilt Show will hear some of those stories as they view various quilts on exhibit from 12-4 p.m. The library is located at 402 Delaware Ave., Palmerton.Darlene Risteter, Palmerton, a clerk at the Palmerton Post Office, will have her quilt on display. The quilt belonged to her late aunt, Bertha Stickler Goodwin of Tamaqua."She was born on a boat coming from Austria and came through Ellis Island. She was premature and they said she was so small they carried her on a pillow. She was one of 10 children and was a sister to my mother, Ann Yates of Tamaqua," says Risteter.Her aunt married Sylvester Goodwin and they started a seafood store in Tamaqua."My mother and Aunt Bertha were very close. She and my uncle never had any children so we all spent a lot of time together. When he passed away, Bertha saved all the funeral satin ribbons from the many floral arrangements she received in his remembrance," says Risteter."She sent the ribbons to his family in South Carolina. The women in his family made it into a quilt. They sent the quilt to Bertha."The quilt's star-patterned color palette includes pink, yellow, blue, red, gold and even some patterned satin pieces. The border and back is made of mauve satin.After Bertha passed away, Risteter's mother inherited the quilt. She loved it so much, her mother gave it to her. She kept it in a cedar chest, but one day rediscovered it and decided it was much too pretty to be tucked away.It now hangs in a place of honor in her home's hallway where it can be seen and admired by all who visit. Risteter believes the quilt is over 50 years old."I can remember my mother and aunt quilted together. She was as dear to me as my mother. This quilt helps me remember all the good family times we had together," says Risteter.If you have a quilt you would like to place on exhibit or would like more information, contact the library at (610) 826-3424.Besides viewing a wide spectrum of beautiful quilts, you can visit several vendors, take part in a quilt class and possibly win a prize.Put Sunday, Oct. 11 on your calendar and see what talented fabric artists have created.