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East Penn parking lots required as part of park plan for grant

As part of the recreation plan along Riverview Road, for which the Pa. Fish and Boat Commission provided a grant for $160,000, there were to be three small parking lots in addition to the large one at the boat ramp.

East Penn Supervisor William Schwab brought it up at the Monday meeting of the supervisors. The lots were to be used by people who wanted to walk down to the river for fishing or to connect with a trail.At present they are attractive grassy areas but Schwab said they would have to be stoned to qualify as a parking lot. "We have to have something to show we met the plan."The office staff is authorized to have porta-potties set up for the first day of fishing at the park and to be removed the last day of October, with the exception of this year when a prison work crew will be working into November.Resident Carl Gravogel complained at the September meeting about raw sewage laying on top of the ground at Northside Heights. He returned to say Duane Schleicher had demolished a house that he was required to and showed Gravogel that it was stagnant water and not sewage that smelled. The area will be filled. He said Schleicher even removed the foundation of the home instead of using it for fill.However, he was disappointed that the township had not followed through with a promise to check on the problem.Supervisor Gary Kuehner said Sean Corey, sewage enforcement officer, had been told to check it out, but apparently did not follow through.Zoning officer Mary Ann Leavitt said someone will be out Tuesday to make sure the building has been properly removed.Resident Michael Bench said the pallets that have fallen off a Troxell truck four times could have killed someone. He asked if the trucks could be rerouted onto Route 443.Solicitor Jim Nanovic said he couldn't be kept off the roads.Resident Joe Ehritz said one of the pallets that fell off in a previous accident still lay near the Lizard Creek.They are heavy and don't just slide off, said Bench, asking if it was speed or lack of sufficient tie downs?Resident Harvey Keiper asked Nanovic when fines can be collected from Clair Troxell.Nanovic said Troxell filed a petition for a stay which prevents any attempt at collection. Another hearing is set for Oct. 28. After that the township can "go after him."Resident David Bryfogle thanked the township for putting up crossing signs at Dinkey Church and asked why after patching two areas on Church Road only cold patch is now being use.Kuehner said the township is coming to the end of the liquid fuel money and is doing what it can on the worst areas.Secretary Deanna Cunfer is checking with other municipalities to see how they handle sewer billing before a decision is made on how East Penn will handle it.Resident Don Steigerwalt said contractors are already contacting West Bowmans residents looking for work making sewer connections. Steigerwalt asked if the township could make a list of qualified people who are on the state certified list.Resident Pete Nowlan said when he came to the area he was given a list of people qualified to redo his septic system.Nanovic said the township can keep a list but cannot endorse any of the contractors.The prison work crew has been out two weeks and will be back Oct. 12 and Nov. 2. The township provides lunch for the men. They will clear the pathways for the disc golf course.Budget meetings have been scheduled for Oct. 13, 15, 20, 21 and Nov. 12 if needed, 7 p.m. at the township building.A fire company billing ordinance, revised traffic ordinance and zoning ordinance were passed. They had been advertised.Trick or treat is set for Wednesday, Dec. 28, 6-8 p.m.