Published October 05. 2009 02:55PM
The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Nesquehoning Memorial VFW Post 8008 was held on Sept. 8 at the post home. In the absence of the president and senior vice president, the junior vice president, Amanda Breiner presided at the session.
General Orders #2 were read and filed for action. The treasurers bond from national headquarters was received. Information on the Department Commander's Testimonial Banquet, which will be held Oct. 30-31, was also received.Community Activities Chairman Maureen Hirochek reported a bloodmobile collection was held in August, another visit is scheduled for October.Legislative Chairman Ellen Driesbach reported she has signed an online petition and has sent the info to others. Regarding the Pennsylvania budget impasse, it was suggested our legislators be required to meet until a budget is passed.Members are reminded that dues are now due and should be paid as soon as possible. Timely meeting notices have been in the newspaper. All members are requested to participate in the upcoming Blue Mountain Candle event. Forms and payment are due at the Oct. 13 meeting. Information on the Voice ofDemocracy Program has been given to Panther Valley High School.Due to the death of Vera Yaniga, the following offices and appointments have been made, patriotic instructor will be Ann Adams; Veterans and Family Support will be Audrey Gogal and Investigating Committee will be Maureen Hirochek.The following donations were made, Junior Girls Conference, Veterans Diabetes March, along with the post, an ad for the Department Commander's Testimonial Banquet. All hospital donations for the year were approved. Also approved was a donation to sponsor Janet Hirochek in the Susan B. Komen Three Day Walk for Breast Cancer.The auxiliary still has yellow bows with the red, white, and blue center available at the post home.The next meeting of the auxiliary will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 6:30 p.m., at the post home on East Center Street. All members are cordially invited to attend.