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Lehighton plans Pink Light Walk

Each year, nearly 300 local women and men celebrate breast cancer survivorship and awareness by participating in the Lehighton Area Lioness Lions Club Pink Light Walk.

The 12th annual Pink Light Walk will be held at the Lehighton Recreation Center on Oct. 3.To assist with increasing awareness, residents of the Lehighton High Rise are expected to light up the night by placing a pink light in their window.Registration for the walk will begin at 5:30 p.m., with the walk to follow at 6:30 p.m. Participants will be walking from the Lehighton Recreation Center to the Lehighton Amphitheater and back. Participants may drive to the amphitheater. All those participating are asked to wear a pink shirt to increase awareness of breast cancer.Jane Longazel of Jim Thorpe, a 20-year survivor, will be the keynote speaker for the evening.Longazel was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer. IBC is a rare type of breast cancer that often starts in the soft tissues of the breast and causes the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast to become blocked. As a result, the breast may become firm, tender, itchy, red and warm due to increased blood flow and a buildup of white blood cells.Following the walk, light refreshments will be served and there will be an "In the Pink" raffle. Funds from the event are donated to the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition. The PA Breast Cancer Coalition represents, supports and serves breast cancer survivors and their families in Pennsylvania through educational programming, legislative advocacy and breast cancer research grants.The "Pink Heals" Fire Truck and ambulance will be other highlights of the evening. All funds raised will support the PA Breast Cancer Coalition.There is no charge to participate. Each participant who registers will receive a bag with useful information and other small prizes.Vendors interested in participating at the event are asked to call Alicia at 570-325-8685 after 5 p.m. weekdays. Cost for vendors is $10 for a 10-foot x 10-foot area. Vendors must provide their own table. Anyone wishing to purchase a pink light walk T-shirt can also send their name, address, telephone number with a check for $12 for each shirt for sizes M through XL and $13 for sizes 2XL and 3XL to: Lehighton Area Lioness Lions Club, c/o Alicia Silliman, 250 Lentz Trail, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229. Shirt orders must be postmarked no later than 2 weeks before the event.Walk participants should preregister at

pinklightwalk@yahoo.com and provide name, address, telephone number & email address and indicate whether a survivor or supporter. If registering a team the name of each team member must be included. Registration deadline is Sept. 26.The annual PA Breast Cancer conference will be held in Harrisburg on Oct. 6. For more information about the conference, visit pabreastcancer.org.The event will be held rain or shine.