Published December 16. 2015 05:27AM
Tamaqua Police are investigating a possible assault that happened as a man was walking along Route 209 between Tamaqua and Coaldale on Dec. 7.
It was shortly after midnight when an officer on patrol saw a man walking along the highway, headed toward Tamaqua. The man was acting as if someone was chasing him, said he thought something or someone was in the woods, but noted he would be fine when the officer stopped to make sure everything was all right. Since the pedestrian was still within the borough limits of Coaldale, the officer contacted Coaldale Police and asked them to meet him on the Number 11 hill.The man didn’t wait for Coaldale Police and continued walking toward Tamaqua.Minutes later, the two officers drove toward Tamaqua. As the Tamaqua police cruiser neared Hartz Metals, a man jumped out into the roadway, waving his arms up and down. It was the pedestrian, who said he was just attacked by two men.The victim was identified as Jesse Michael Lincovich, who said he was on his way home to his mother’s house at 71 Bowe St., Tamaqua. He was unable to provide any information on his attackers, but speculated he may have been attacked because he “burned” someone by taking $150 from them for drugs, but only gave them $20 worth of heroin.Lincovich was searched and found to be in possession of a mirror, two razor blades, two cut straws, a glass pipe, four empty wax baggies marked “freedom,” five “freedom” and one “skull candy” baggies filled with a white powdery substance and a pipe with marijuana in the bowl.He faces charges of possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness.